Making your school safe and inclusive for LGBTIQ+ students
The Queensland Department of Education and Training has an Inclusive Education policy statement recognising that all school sectors must provide all students with access to high-quality schooling that is free from discrimination.
The Victoria Department of Education continues to deliver a Safe Schools program to ensure schools are safe places for all students, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) students, and are free of discrimination. The Victorian program provides guidelines, ideas and actions for making your school safe and inclusive for LGBTIQ+ students.
Continuing professional development
The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (2011), in support of the Melbourne Declaration (2008) and in line with Commonwealth and State anti-discrimination legislation, state that teachers should know and understand students and employ inclusive strategies that engage and support all students.
In Queensland there are two organisations delivering LGBTIQ+ awareness training. This training can help teachers to understand how to support children and young people of diverse sexuality, gender or bodies.
The Queensland AIDS Council
The Queensland AIDS Council (QuAC) offers a range of training packages providing information on sexuality, gender identity and intersex status; the impact of discrimination on young people; and social pressures, and the impact on LGBTIQ+ health.True Relationships and Reproductive Health
True Relationships and Reproductive Health – formerly Family Planning Queensland – has diversified and expanded its roles, and is now a provider of education and training in the areas of relationships and reproductive health. It also provides workshops to help organisations to develop LGBTIQ+ affirming policy and practice.The True All School Program
The True All School Program offers classes for students and training for teachers, which aims at ‘respectful facilitation, free of discrimination and mindful of the diversity that exists in different relationships and families.’ Join a support group for LGBTIQ+ teachers
Queensland Teachers Union has an LGBTIQ member group. Teachers can sign up to become part of the QTU network for lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, inter-sex or questioning teachers or supporters.
The Australian Education Union has an LGBTI+ network for members who are same sex attracted, intersex and gender diverse to support one another and celebrate diversity.
Report Discrimination
If you have been subjected to discrimination that is prohibited under the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 you can make a complaint to the Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland.
Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland.